Committee for international affairs

Hi, we are your AStA committee for international affairs.

We are the contact for all international students at the University of Lübeck, are in contact with the other universities in Lübeck, organise information events and much more. If you have any questions or concerns, we will try to help you. Just send us an email at


A Finnish dinnerparty with food, drinks and songs


Here's everything you need to know about a Sitsit:

What is a sitsit?

A sitsit is a Finnish tradition where students get together for a dinner party. There is eating, drinking and singing - all according to a rather complex set of rules, but don't worry - this will be clarified on the evening itself at the latest!

Here is a rough outline of the procedure:

Everyone arrives at the sitsit in evening dress and in a good mood. We love fancy red carpet looks, but it doesn't have to be the floor-length dress. Come as dressy as you like - just not in sweatpants, please.

After a short introduction, our Toastmaster will give the first speech and sing the first song. We will always sing together (singing talent is explicitly not required!) and after each song we will toast and drink. Now you have time to eat something - at least until the next person stands up, gives a speech and everything starts all over again: speech, singing, toasting.

Speeches can be made by anyone. The content doesn't matter, we welcome highly political comments, your favourite quote or an explanation of why you loathe peppers above all else. Nothing is impossible as long as you remain respectful.

You will find the songs in our song booklet, which we will be displaying. There will certainly be a song you know.

It doesn't matter whether you drink alcohol or non-alcoholic beverages, the main thing is that you join in the toast! For those who want to drink alcohol, be warned: there won't be much time to eat, so don't come on an empty stomach! Also, you don't have to empty your shot glass every time you toast, just a sip will do.

The food will be vegan, but you can't expect a big, filling 3-course meal. So it's worth having something small to eat beforehand.

We are looking forward to celebrate our next sitsit with you in january! More information will follow at the right time and place.

Until then - your AStA departments for Culture & International Affairs

Language Buddy

You already know one language very well and would like to learn a new one or deepen your knowledge? Then sign up as a Language Buddy! With your Language Buddy you can practice your target language, and make new friends along the way ;)

To find a match, just enter your name here. If there's someone who knows a language you want to learn and wants to practice a language that you can already speak, go ahead and contact them. No match? No problem, you can also form study groups with students who want to learn the same language.