Semester fee, re-registration and reimbursement

Semester fee

Composition of semester fee:

The semester fee for the winter semester 2024/25 is made up as follows

  • Student Services Association (Studentenwerk): €79.00
  • Deutschland-semester ticket: €176.40
  • University Sports Programme €5.00
  • Culture ticket €3.00
    • City theatre €2.80
    • Hansemuseum €0.20
  • AStA: €10.00

Total: €273,40



Re-registration deadlines (please keep to the dates):


Summer semester: 01.01. to 28.02. of the year
Winter semester: 01.06. to 31.07. of the year

You can find the latest information on payment on the Student Service Center website.


The new student ID cards will be sent to the address given at the university about 4 weeks before the start of the semester. It may therefore be necessary to change your address! This is possible due to the QIS. Certificates of enrollment, etc. can also be downloaded from QIS. If the certificates are required in English, the language must first be changed in the top right-hand corner. The access data for the QIS will be sent together with the first student ID card at the beginning of your studies.


  • Cancellation of enrollment

    Scope of reimbursement

    • AStA fee
    • University sports fee
    • Culture ticket
    • Deutschland semester ticket

    Necessary documents

    • Confirmation of cancellation from the SSC, proof of transfer
    • In exceptional cases, telephone confirmation from SSC, proof of transfer

    Please note: If already issued, the student ID card must be validated immediately after the application has been approved and any paper ticket ordered must be collected by the AStA. This means that both must either be sent or brought in person within the deadline. You can apply for re-admission to university sports. The costs for this also amount to €10.

  • Exmatriculation

    Scope of reimbursement

    • AStA fee
    • University sports fee
    • Culture ticket
    • Deutschland-Semesterticket

    Necessary documents

    • Confirmation of cancellation from the SSC, proof of transfer
    • In exceptional cases, telephone confirmation from SSC, proof of transfer

    Please note: If already issued, the student ID card must be validated immediately after the application has been approved and any paper ticket ordered must be collected by the AStA. This means that both must either be sent or brought in person within the deadline. You can apply for re-admission to university sports. The costs for this also amount to €10.

  • holiday semester

    Scope of reimbursement

    • AStA fee
    • University sports fee
    • Culture ticket
    • Deutschland-Semesterticket

    Necessary documents

    • Confirmation of holiday semester from the SSC, proof of transfer   
    • In exceptional cases, telephone confirmation from SSC, proof of transfer

    Please note: If already issued, the student ID card must be validated immediately after the application has been approved and any paper ticket ordered must be collected by the AStA. This means that both must either be sent or brought in person within the deadline. You can apply for re-admission to university sports. The costs for this also amount to €10.

  • Stay abroad / Internships / Thesis

    Note: Reimbursement can only be made for a continuous stay of 15 weeks outside the area of validity of the Deutschland-Semesterticket (i.e. Germany). The purpose of the absence can be student exchange programs, internships, final and doctoral theses and the practical year in medicine.

    Scope of reimbursement

    • University sports fee
    • Theatre portion of the Culture ticket
    • Deutschland-Semesterticket

    Necessary documents

    • Confirmation of the stay by the SSC or the employer(s) (at least 15 weeks stay outside the semester ticket area of application), proof of transfer
    • In exceptional cases, telephone confirmation from SSC, proof of transfer

    Please note: If already issued, the student ID card must be validated immediately after the application has been approved and any paper ticket ordered must be collected by the AStA. This means that both must either be sent or brought in person within the deadline. You can apply for re-admission to university sports. The costs for this also amount to €10.

  • Online study program

    Scope of reimbursement

    • University sports fee
    • Theatre Portion of the Culture ticket
    • Deutschland-Semesterticket

    Necessary documents

    • Current certificate of enrollment, proof of bank transfer
    • In exceptional cases, telephone confirmation from SSC, proof of transfer
  • Physical or mental disability

    Scope of reimbursement

    • University sports fee
    • Theatre Portion of the Culture ticket
    • Deutschland-Semesterticket

    Necessary documents

    • Severely disabled person's ID card incl. supplementary sheet with valid token, proof of transfer, student ID
    • Medical proof that transportation by public transport is not possible due to the disability, proof of referral, student ID card

    Please note: If already issued, the student ID card must be validated immediately after the application has been approved and any paper ticket ordered must be collected by the AStA. This means that both must either be sent or brought in person within the deadline. You can apply for re-admission to university sports. The costs for this also amount to €10.

  • Deutschland-Semesterticket is already provided by another university

    Deutschland-Semesterticket is already provided by another university

    Scope of reimbursement

    • Deutschland-Semesterticket

    Necessary documents

    • Deutschland-Semesterticket of the other university, proof of bank transfer
  • Incorrect transfer

    Scope of reimbursement

    • Amount transferred in excess

    Necessary documents

    • Screenshot of the QIS fee account, receipt of the transfer(s)
    • In exceptional cases, telephone confirmation from SSC, proof of transfer(s)

Reimbursement of the semester fee

The semester fee can be refunded under certain circumstances, however in some cases only in part. If there is no actual reason for a refund, a hardship application can be submitted in exceptional cases.
In no case, however, will we transfer back the student union fee. Please contact the Studentenwerk for this.

The deadline for applying for a refund is 28 days after the start of the semester, with the exception of incorrect transfers and hardship cases. Information on hardship cases can be found below. In the case of incorrect transfers, there is no deadline for applying.

Documents can be submitted up to eight weeks after the start of the semester; however, the requirements for reimbursement must be met within 28 days of the start of the semester. If missing documents are not submitted within the eight weeks, the right to a refund will lapse.

Refunds will not be made for previous semesters.


To apply for a refund of the semester fee, please use our refund form either directly online - then we will receive the data and files directly - or for download.

Please send the completed application with the necessary documents to; please send analog applications to:

    AStA Universität zu Lübeck
    Haus 24
    Ratzeburger Allee 160
    23562 Lübeck

If you have any questions, please contact the finance department: We would like to point out that the processing of applications takes time, as we unfortunately cannot be staffed continuously. Applications received during the semester break will also take longer, as our vacation period also falls during this time.

Exceptional reimbursement in cases of hardship

If none of the reasons for reimbursement apply, it is possible to submit a hardship application to the student body of the University of Lübeck. A case of hardship exists if the payment of the entire student body fee would represent an unreasonable burden according to the circumstances of the individual case. If approved, the student body will cover the costs of your fee, with the exception of the student union fee.

The semester ticket, the cultural ticket and the entitlement to a university sports offer remain valid in contrast to an actual refund (see above).

A hardship application can be submitted for the current semester and for the coming semester.

The decision on a hardship application is made by a standing committee of the student parliament. This consists of five elected members and the person responsible for the budget, all of whom have signed a confidentiality agreement. The decision on acceptance/rejection and the amount of the exemption/refund is made on the basis of the documents submitted and a personal meeting between the applicant and the committee members.

All necessary applications, further information and the complete hardship regulations can be found at

If you have any questions about hardship applications, please contact


There are no other options for reimbursement. Even those who regularly end their studies in the middle of the semester will not be reimbursed for the rest of the semester. This is partly due to the agreement on the semester ticket, and partly because the semester contribution is a solidarity contribution that is only so “cheap” because everyone pays it - even those who unfortunately have less of it.